As leaders, we need to continually foster a desire to improve our leadership.
We need to seek out new ways of leading people and remind ourselves of ways we already know.
We need to ask ourselves if we are willing to sacrifice for our people.
We need to lean into challenges and lead as examples to those who follow us.
We need to be expert communicators and not only embrace change, but encourage it.
We need to be better leaders of those people that we have the opportunity to lead.
If you share the belief in these same needs, then this is the blog for you.
If you or your organization need assistance in leading your people or improving your organizational culture, I would love to work with you to grow your team through coaching both in the classroom and, more important and impactful, through adventure-experiential learning.
As a leader, we need to keep an eye out for our team members who are going through a hard time in their lives, at work or at home. This is the most important time for us to be aware and to act. Not for our sake, but for those we have an opportunity to lead. If we act with a pure heart of authentic love, we can have a significant impact in people’s lives that could result in lasting ripples.